CH3 is welcoming to all comers, especially new members of the pack and members of the public. CH3 strives to be a fun environment where everyone feels welcome. It’s our duty to maintain a fun and safe hash and support anyone who has been let down by poor behaviour at CH3.
As such, we expect certain basic standards of behaviour from anyone hashing with CH3.
Anyone who experiences any form of abuse, sexual harassment or unwelcome behaviour from members of our pack is encouraged to contact, and one of our Welfare Officers will get back to you within 24 hours. Alternatively you can speak to one of them at the Hash in confidence.
Our current 2024/25 Welfare Officers are:
- Run2Eat (Carla)
- Morning Tory (Emily)
- Sack Kicker (Ben)
Code of Conduct for CH3
1. Respect and Inclusivity:
At City Hash, we value respect and inclusivity, treating all members, regardless of their gender, age, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or ability, with respect and dignity.
2. Bullying and Harassment:
We are committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment at City Hash, where all forms of bullying, including verbal, physical, or emotional abuse, are strictly prohibited.
3. Theft and Property Damage:
We uphold the values of integrity and responsibility at City Hash, respecting the personal belongings and property of fellow club members.
4. Violence and Aggression:
City Hash promotes a culture of non-violence and peaceful interactions, rejecting any form of violence or aggressive behaviour within the club or during club activities.
5. Sexual Misconduct:
We prioritize the safety and well-being of our members at City Hash, and we have zero tolerance for any form of sexual harassment, assault, or inappropriate behaviour.
6. Confidentiality:
At City Hash, we value privacy and confidentiality, respecting the personal information shared by club members and maintaining a trustworthy environment.
7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
City Hash members are expected to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations during club activities, reflecting our commitment to lawful and responsible behaviour.
8. Responsible Behaviour:
a) We encourage all members of City Hash to act responsibly and considerately during club activities and events, upholding our shared values of good sportsmanship and positive engagement.
b) City Hash members should always be courteous to the host pub/venue staff and it’spatrons. All members must respect the venues property. It is important to City Hash that we maintain good relationships with our hosts and are welcome back.
9. Consequences of Violations:
Failure to adhere to this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, as outlined by City Hash, including warnings, suspension, or termination of club membership, to ensure a safe and respectful community.
By following this Code of Conduct, City Hash fosters an inclusive, respectful, and enjoyable environment that aligns with our club’s values, where all members can engage in social activities with trust, camaraderie, and mutual respect.
Last reviewed: September 2024 | Date of next review: September 2026